Second Year Mayhem!

Hi All,

Time between blogs are longer then I wanted currently, but University life has been extremely busy and time consuming. Therefore, this has left me with little free time/energy to update my blog in between all my academic demands and placement blocks.

I am currently a two thirds of my way through my third (and last) placement block of the year. Yesterday I had to undertake a breast assessment where I had to ensure correct localisation of the patient, set up and then delivery of radiotherapy. When I write it down like that it seems to be so simple but as with any assessment there is always more to it then meets the eye! I felt pretty chilled about it all day and after having a good 2 weeks on the machine that deals primarily with patients undergoing radiotherapy for breast cancer meant that I recieved plenty of experience. I am very happy to say that I passed! This was my last clinical assessment completed for the year and now I’ve just got a few competencies to sign off to ensure that I’ve seen and been able to set up a variety of patients. It’s been a busy year clinically too and I’m fairly happy to say I’ve completed a Breast, Head and Neck and Skin assessment as well as spending two weeks in Radiotherapy CT and also a week in physics/dosimetry along with time spent on machines to complete my competencies. Finishing touches will be my Clinical portfolio which needs to be submitted at the beginning of May and then fingers crossed I do not have to go back out into clinical recovery.

February and March were jammed packed with a variety of different deadlines for a few units. I had to complete a 3,000 word essay, submit a  project proposal, complete an inter-professional task with other healthcare professionals to produce and present a poster plus many other deadlines. Throw in the common feeling off how am I going to pass this year/ I can’t do this and as you can see it’s been an absolute delight hehe. I’ve definitely felt stuck in treacle at times or on a train that’s on a long journey and stops at every single station !!

The end of year two is nearly drawing to a close and although I’ve been told not to waste the time away I honestly can’t wait for this year to be over. I mean in the month of May I still have to get through a job interview, physics assignment, a talkthrough on my breast assessment as well as three exams which I really don’t want to fail. Amongst the crazy may period I’m just casually adding in a trip to Germany for a wedding because I’m not going to miss this very special and happy occasion 🙂 Oh well I certainly don’t do things by half do I 😛

I’m just trying to continue to balance out the stress of University with lovely things that I have planned over the summer like spending time with friends and family plus an AMAZING summer elective (more news to follow soon). However, I’ve learnt that I’m always going to worry and stress about my work/exams/placement because I care and want to do well. I just want to be a fantastic radiographer…is that too much to ask?

With Love,

S x