To say or not to say??

Hello 🙂

I just realised I have not written a blog post in 2014 yet- so happy 2014 although a little late hehe. I’m sorry I have not posted but things at Uni have been pretty much the same. I am a true believer with my blog to write when I feel I have something to say and so the time has come for me to start writing again. In all honesty as I write this I have realised how much I have missed doing so, hopefully a couple of more blogs in the pipeline 🙂

So what’s been happening with me? Uni has been pretty much the same with lectures and work to be completed, it was really nice after Christmas to get back in the swing of things again. I celebrated my 20th Birthday in January and had an amazing birthday weekend. I went clubbing with my Uni friends and also had a visit from the family which endured lots of lovely cake and tapas at a Spanish restaurant. I was also lucky to receive some lovely presents, cards and many birthday wishes- thanks guys 😀

I have now started my second placement block at a different hospital and completed my first week- wooo 🙂 This time last week I was not enthusiastic about going in and would have been quite happy not to turn up on the Monday morning.  This really surprised me as I really enjoy placement and the patient care is the aspect I really love about the course. I still felt nervous on the Monday morning but as I put on the uniform everything just clicked- I felt fantastic and ready to face whatever the day would bring! I received my rota for the 5 weeks and I was a bit displeased when I saw I had CT the first week. If you have read my previous blog about placement you would be aware I struggled with CT at first and it took me time to adjust. I wasn’t looking forward to CT but decided to go in with a positive attitude and that it may be different this time. It again took me a couple of days to adjust not only to CT but being back on placement but I had a fantastic week 🙂 I managed to sign off a few things in my competency framework which has made me feel positive, alongside a really good weekly comment. So I am really pleased my second placement block has started off so positively. There is a little more pressure this placement as I have to undergo an assessment but I have 4 weeks left and will cross that bridge when I get to it 🙂

Anyway back to the title of my blog 😛 More and more people now on my course know I’ve had cancer and received radiotherapy. I’ve recently been given a group activity which is 80% of one of my units where we have to talk about health care professionals and the patient pathway.Our group was given the pre-assigned 4-year-old girl with leukaemia. To help our group it was obvious to talk to them about it so they could have some understanding about the impact not only on me but also my family.

I recently had a conversation with a lovely lady on my course about would I tell the staff or patients on placement that I’ve received radiotherapy. This for me is a really tricky situation and it’s the case of do I say or do I not? I don’t have a problem in talking to people that I’ve been ill- trust me I could happily sit and talk about it for many hours. However it’s the fact of is it appropriate for patients to know? Is it appropriate for staff to know? Would they treat me differently? For me it’s a really tough thing, I suppose if it comes up in a conversation and I feel comfortable then I would say. However, I don’t want people to treat me differently or think it’s the only reason I wanted to become a Radiographer.

I want to become a Radiographer because I truly want to make a difference to the patients so they have a positive experience. I want them to look back on their treatment not with fear or anger but appreciation like I do for all those that helped me along the way.

Love S


Highs and Lows of Week 2

Hello Guys 🙂

Another week has passed and now I’m half way through my placement block, woo go me! Lets also not forget it’s the 1st of December and the decent towards Christmas break and end of placement begins 🙂 I suppose you are wondering how my second week went? Well last week went really smoothly but this week had its highs and lows.  It’s weird to admit that things didn’t go so well this week but it’s true and I’m not one to sugar coat these things. Sometimes in life you have to embrace the highs but also be realistic to yourself and expect to have a few low points. But all in all I think it’s how you react to these situations which is the true  turning point and can make that something negative into something positive 🙂

This week instead of being on one of the Linear Accelerators where we treat individuals I was placed on CT Simulator. Patients come here to start their planning of treatment. We will set them up with their immobilisation equipment and then scan the part of the body we will be treating. Then the doctors/physicians will take these scans and plan the treatment. My first day was absolutely manic and it felt like my first day all over again. I didn’t have a clue on what was going on and my brain hurt so much. All the radiographers were really busy and not only do they have to scan these individuals they also have seperate tasks to be getting on with. This meant the radiographers are a bit here, there and everywhere. I wasn’t sure what to do with myself and what I could do to help. It was definitely a rabbit in the headlights day and I went home exhausted and dazed. I missed the patients I saw last week and also being on the linear accelerators, maybe its because I am more familiar with that set up but still I went home not really sure what to make of the day.

On the second day I tried to go in with an open mind about CT and how I was feeling about it all, but it was really hard. I really struggled in the morning and it was the first time I felt that I didn’t want to be there. One of the radiographers could see I was struggling and feeling a bit out of my depth and so we decided to talk about it. To be honest it was the best thing for me to do! I spoke to her about how I was feeling out of my depth and even comfort zone on CT. I also told her that I  wasn’t even sure how to be of help to the radiographers and that I was struggling with the difference between CT and Linear Accelerator. She spoke to me about how even some of the trained radiographers find there is a slight difference between the two. It was really nice of her to make some lovely comments about the bunch of 1st year radiographers that are on the department at the moment :)I learnt that once I had spoken to someone about what was bothering me I wasn’t stuck anymore and was able to get over the little hurdle. I found things to do to help the Radiographers and even started to enjoy myself 🙂

This week it taught me to try and remain open minded about experiences on placement, to persevere and not to give up on day one. I already apply these lessons to other experiences in my life and now I need to continue to apply it to placement. Placement is definitely a learning curve not only for educational reasons but personal reasons too, but I still love it!!!

And how am I feeling now…

Love S


Clinical Placement- Week 1

I’ve survived my first week of clinical placement woooo!!

It’s been a little tough at times but mainly an amazing week full of loads of different experiences. 

I think the hardest thing of the week was leaving University and the friends I have made. I had just got into a really good rhythm at University and so for that to be disrupted made me feel a bit uneasy. It’s weird as I’m in between two homes at the moment, my family home and university home. Not only am I away from friends I have just made but still away from some of my family. However I am really lucky to be staying at family near to the hospital which makes life so much easier 🙂  I think adjusting physically and mentally to placement has been made more manageable by staying with family.

Every morning I’m up at 6.20  and back home between 5-5.30 so I don’t get to see much daylight hehe. The first week however has gone really well 🙂 My feet don’t hurt too much yet so it’s definitely worth buying supportive shoes…thanks Mum!! I spent the week on one Linear Accelerator that deals mainly with head and neck patients so its been interesting noting down the different set up of patients as well as side effects from treatment. There is a lot of information to take in and I’ve been finding it hard to get off to sleep as my brain keeps  whirring around with all the information I’m learning. 

It’s been fantastic interacting with the different patients and listening to them. All the radiographers care about the patients so much and they always come first. It was fantastic on Friday when some of the patients had finished their treatment and I was so pleased for them, put me in such a good mood.  Placement has started really well and I hope it continues to do so 🙂 I hope to try and update you some more on my experiences soon!

Hope all is well,

S xx

2 weeks…

Hello 🙂

Where do I even start to begin? University life is still amazing, fun, crazy, scary and a bit of an emotional rollercoaster at times but still I’m loving it so much 🙂  So what have I been up to? Well living the stereotypical Uni life of eating, sleeping, partying and skipping lectures….

Urm NO 😛 I’ve been embracing the life of a student radiography which has meant:

  • Revising for a Physics exam
  • Trying to keep on top of workload
  • Reading
  • Passing CPR training
  • Passing the physics exam- 95% whoop!
  • Doing a hand washing OSCE
  • Completing Statutory and Mandatory Training
  • Completing and researching for assignments
  • Learning about all the frameworks/ paperwork needed to be completed on clinical placement
  • Understanding the equipment we will be using on placement
  • Plus trying to have a life 😛

But all of this has been with one thing in mind and that is the crowning glory of starting Clinical Placement :D!!! In two weeks time I would have completed my first 7.5 hour day in a radiotherapy clinical department and I don’t even know what to think/feel! I’m so excited to be able to go and get my hands on experience and to apply what we have been learning about in class into the real world. However at the same time it’s all starting to get a bit realistic. Oh my word, they are going to let me onto a clinical department ( don’t worry guys I’ll be closely watched) but still, I’m a healthcare professional now whether student or not and I have responsibilities!!

Urm excuse me whilst I go and run out of the fire exit 😉 No I am really looking forward to it all but it’s hard to know what to expect but still it’s an amazing chapter that I can’t wait to get stuck into. Tomorrow I get to meet one of the radiographers who will be at the clinical department I will be attending, so hopefully I will recognise one face on the first day 🙂

Yes it’s a rather exciting time with lots of hopefully good things ahead, I know its not going to be easy and I’m not going to breeze through everyday with plain sailing. However I do know that challenges are sent to test us and that I can overcome these obstacles 🙂 It’s going to be hard moving away from University for a month after starting to feel so settled here. I won’t miss certain aspects like the noisy neighbours or being woken up by the fire alarm haha. I will miss my lovely flatmates and one in particular who has been my rock to starting Uni, I would of not have coped without her, so lucky for her to be placed in my flat! Plus I’m going to miss my course mates as there are only 4 of us including me at my placement site.I won’t get to see my diagnostic friends either 😦 However something awesome to look forward to in the New Year 🙂 Urgh did I say New year, lets not even begin with the “C” word!!!

Anyway enough rambling from me!! Hope all is well 🙂

Love S


Risk vs Benefit

What’s life without a little risk?

I personally believe that life is a bit of a juggling act. It will never be 100% perfect but I wouldn’t want it to be. Without the risks, adventures, unexpected occurrences I don’t think it would truly make us who we are meant to be. I don’t think you can ever plan point by point what is going to happen and I’m a true believer of you never know what’s coming around the corner. I’m not religious but I do believe that we all have great destiny in us and that experiences that life gives us helps as some sort of guidance towards our future.

Hands up I’m not the greatest risk taker and for me the risk has to be truly calculated to see if taking it will benefit me or others around me. Part of me doesn’t like to take risks because I know life is precious and I’ve already had enough interference with my life haha. I then think part of it is just down to personality. I don’t think there is any wrong or right answer to how much of a risk you take in life.

Anyway this morning I saw an advert for a television programmed called “You’re Killing My Son: Mum on the Run”. The television programme will look at the story of a young boy called Neon Roberts who had been diagnosed with a brain tumour. In December 2012 his mother Sally Roberts went on the run with her son after disagreeing with the treatment course of radiotherapy . She preferred alternative treatment using alternative therapy due to the risks and side effects of radiotherapy. This went to court due to the welfare of the child and it was decided that the standard treatment protocol of radiotherapy should be followed. The news story interested me at the time and I even talked about it in one of my university interviews.

But what would you do?

Trust me, I know Radiotherapy has its risks and does have side effects to the body, but then if it’s going to enable you to live or have a better quality of life then surely isn’t it beneficial? Obviously if there are no benefits to having the treatment then its not worth the risk of going through. Therefore treatment plans for cancer are always carefully thought through with the risks and benefits being balanced for the patients welfare. However is there really any right or wrong answer?

I’ve always known that the treatment I had would cause side effects but then to me it was worth going through it as I didn’t have an alternative. Ok so I’ve had some highly toxic drugs and yes ok I’m not in 100% picture health but at the end of the day I’m still here. Well then to me all those risks of operations, procedures, drugs and radiotherapy have been of  benefit to me. I’m still here despite all my problems and I’m not planning on going anywhere 😉 Those risks and how my illness has intertwined to be part of my life has given me great insight . I would never change what has happened in my life- I do really believe it has helped to make me who I am and to hopefully move forward and be able to help others.

When the treatment protocol of chemotherapy and radiotherapy was brought to attention to my parents, my Dad did actually joke to the consultant about what if he refused that I had treatment. He sternly got told that if he and my Mum refused consent for my treatment then it would go to court appeal. Obviously it shows that even the hospital thought that the risks of my treatment and future side effects would be outweighed by the benefits to me. Its quite interesting when you actually think about it!

Anyway I hope this has made you think a little….

If you interested in watching “You’re Killing My Son: Mum on the Run” it will be on Tuesday 13th at 9pm on Channel 4

S xxx

Dusting away the cobwebs…

Hey Guys,

I can’t believe I have not blogged for a while… I’m sorry! Hope you’ve all been enjoying the lovely weather we’ve had 🙂

So what’s been happening with me? Well I’ve kinda been busy doing nothing and enjoying my summer of freedom before Uni!

I’ve now finished college which is really awesome but a strange feeling at the same time haha. My Psychology exam went ok- I always think it’s quite difficult to tell exactly how you’ve have done until results day. I was really pleased though as I managed to put an answer or at least attempt one for all the questions in my exam paper, so fingers crossed. I’m just hoping it’s enough to get me into University but only time will tell. I receive my results on the 15th August! To be honest its not that far away and I know it will whizz around quickly but I’m trying not to think about it too much. There’s nothing much I can do now, its just waiting and enjoying my summer really!

Medical News- Today is day 2/7 of my week long ECG! This is where I have two electrodes monitoring my heart rate all day and night. One hospital wanted me to have a 24hr monitoring session but my Doctor thought a 7 day monitoring session would be “more reliable and representative”. To be honest,I understand my Doctor’s reasoning for the 7 day session but I really don’t think he understands how highly irritating it is !  A wire, two sticky electrodes and a small box on my chest- totally this years latest accessory 😉 Oh well it’s only a week ( that’s what I keep having to remind myself anyway.)

There’s not a lot of other news from me really haha. I’ve been enjoying the recent weather we’ve had and making the most of living by the sea. I’ve even tanned! This is unlike me and even more so as I’ve been putting sun tan lotion on. I’m also thinking of a “non uni” blog post before results day so the thinking cap is on for something brilliant 😉  Hope all is well!

Love S


National Blood Week


I have broken my silence but for a really important issue.

This week in the UK is National Blood Week and on Thursday it’s World Blood Donor Day- wooo! What does this mean I hear you ask, well if your aged 17+ and relatively fit and healthy please think of giving blood. One donation can help up to three people, how awesome is that and I know I have taken my fair share of blood stock over the years 😉

Ways you can help this week:

  • Sign up via twitter or facebook to the Give blood thunderclap (It will send out a set tweet/status at a set time to try and reach as many people as possible)
  • Go and sign up to give blood at your local centre
  • Talk to people about giving blood- raise awareness through talking to friends and family. Share an email, facebook status, tweet, blog etc.

If you already give blood- Thank You so much! I appreciate what you do to help many others who need it. Also please note I understand not everyone wants to give blood or likes the idea, that’s fair enough but please at least spread the world and try to encourage others to do so 🙂

So my lovely blog readers- go ahead and spread the word!

Love S

p.s I forgot to mention the huge advantage of giving blood (apart from saving lives and feeling proud of yourself) is the awesome cup of tea and biscuits/crisps at the end. My Mum says its the best packet of crisps/biscuit she ever has!


The greatest gift of all…


Oh my word- 1 WEEK until Christmas woo! Hope everyone is getting into the festive spirit, as you may see my blog is snowing hehe. I think its the nearest the UK is going to get to snow at the moment.

I was thinking about presents, Christmas is a time where people give and receive presents but what is the best present you can give someone?  I know my answer!The greatest present of all is…


I am so lucky to be celebrating my 6th Christmas since my Bone Marrow Transplant but I know others are not so lucky. So this Christmas think about doing a self less act and help save someone’s life.This means they are able to create more memories with family and friends and celebrate another Christmas.

  •  Donate Bone Marrow– Anthony Nolan Trust policy means people aged 16-30 can join the register. Thanks to them they found my donor and I will always be grateful that they found my match! Plus I have a super awesome donor and we are in  regular contact, I even visited him over the summer 🙂 If  your over 30 then you can join the  British Bone Marrow Registry where you can register up to the age of 49

I’m really thankful and always will be to my donor without who I wouldn’t have turned 13, passed my GCSE, got to prom, passed my driving test, turned 18 and applied to University!

  • Give Blood– Everyday people need blood whether due to cancer treatment, emergency operations, child birth, people involved in accidents… the list goes on.  It takes 5-15 minutes out of your day and that 1 bag of blood can save someone’s life! Plus you do get rewarded with a cup of tea, biscuits and crisps 😉 After donating my Mum says its the best cup of tea, crisps and biscuits she ever has!

I’ve received 50 blood transfusions and 25 platelet transfusions so far and all thanks to people taking some time out of their day to donate.

  • Organ Donation– I’m not an expert in this field but I still feel that it is of importance. There are many people waiting on the transplant list who are in desperate need for new organs and the only way at the moment of getting them is people agreeing to be on the register. Many people would take an organ if needed but not give so maybe think of registering.

So maybe consider one of the above options this Christmas and  help benefit someone else, someone just like me :)Anyway in case I don’t blog again before next week… Merry Christmas, I hope you have a wonderful day 🙂

Thanks for listening,

Love S



Hello 🙂
Oh my days I can’t believe it’s December already! Where has the time gone? The past couple of weeks has flown by and its nearly the end of what’s been an AMAZING year! As much as I love the countdown to Christmas all I can think of at the moment is my January exam :s oh well no point stressing about it (even though I do) I shall try and channel it into revision instead 🙂

Anyway enough of the intro- the reason I’m blogging today is to do with patience 🙂
As Take That would sing-“just have a little patience” but alas my patience is wearing thin :/
Now I’ve grown used to patience with hospitals and their own unique timing schedule however there are times where my patience is tested with them. I’m being impatient over my heart MRI scan as I want to know if its good, bad or ugly! But it seems to be taking ages to find the result for numerous different reasons. I know that the report has been sent to one of my hospitals I am seen under however I have not heard anything from the consultant who I actually need to see. This consultant is like trying find a needle in a haystack! He goes between two hospitals and is a locum at both however doesn’t seem to have a secretary or someone we can speak to. When I had my echo a couple of months ago he wanted me to have a follow up appointment in 6 months time but this hasn’t been arranged and still no results or follow up of the scan. This is weird as when trying to get hold of him we spoke to someone in the MRI department who said that after a cardiac MRI they usually do a follow up appointment a month after, but alas no appointment! This has lead to going round like a head less chicken between hospitals, hospital departments, consultant and consultant secretary but NOTHING. So I’m still waiting…  No news good news???

So what else is testing my patience…

UCAS! I know that I shouldn’t be impatient about this topic but I am and for this I am sorry. I know some people will find this funny and silly but hey at least is a bit of a “lighter” topic in some respects to be impatient with (At the end of the day with me my health comes first everything else second.) At the end of the day this is also out of my hands, I’ve done my bit and sent off my personal statement and I’ve finally managed to get my tutor to write my reference however it still hasn’t been sent 😦 I’m waiting for the college system to add the reference and finally send it off but it seems to be taking forever. I feel like I’m wading through treacle waiting to get to the other side and that’s even without the Universities looking at it! I just want it to be sent because then I know its up to the Universities and fate in what happens and at least they are looking at it instead of it sitting doing nothing. The deadline is l5 January so fingers crossed it will be sent soon!

Overall I am ticking along, just feeling a bit frustrated and impatient at the moment but lots of lovely things planned in the next couple of weeks 🙂 Hope everyone is well and getting into the Christmas spirit!

Love S


Medical Rant- Option A or B?


Beware!! today I’m going to rant a little about medical rubbish, sorry! So you can skip ahead if you want!

Not all of you reading will be aware of my medical background… but it’s very vast and complicated. Not that I mind talking about it, but I’ll save my entire life story for a rainy day 🙂 Anyway back in August as part of my ongoing medical problems, one of my consultants wanted me to have a heart echo. I set off to the hospital that day with my Mum and Dad in tow to keep me in good spirits. I don’t mind having medical investigations, frankly I’m used to them and just want them to get over and done with. The things I dislike about heart echos are that they are painful and I don’t like the sound of my heart when they are listening to the blood flow, it’s creepy! But my dad was there to cheer me up behind the cubicle curtain playing tunes and making me laugh (probably when I shouldn’t be). After they finished the scan, we asked them to tell us if everything was ok. We waited five minutes and went back into the room.. the lady was happy with the results and all seemed fine. So I left the hospital with relief that it was over and it was all fine…

But all was not as well as it seemed! A day later my mum got a phone call from one of the Cardiologist consultants who didn’t realise I should have seen him alongside having the echo. Although some of my results were ok, some were on the lower side of normal, my “normal” as well! Therefore he was going to arrange a Cardiac MRI at a London Hospital which means another hospital off my tick list and another medical investigation 😉 (got to look on the bright side).

Anyway the end of August passed no appointment letter and September passed too, so at the beginning of October we decided to chase it up. So I was happy to receive post on Friday because there in front of me was my letter for my Cardiac MRI….YAY. I was seriously happy to get the appointment, so I can get the scan over with and go on from there,as it’s hard not knowing whats happening and how serious/un-serious it is.  I look at the date and see 5th November hmmm that rings a bell and I realise it clashes with another important hospital appointment that I’ve waited a couple of months to see this consultant!

So do I choose option A my heart appointment or option  B my bone/pain appointment… ???

In the end me and my mum decided to choose my heart appointment as the procedure itself can only be done in specialist units and as it’s a major organ we want to get it checked so we can go on and sort out whatever needs to be done.

We go to rearrange my bone/pain appointment and find that the next available appointment is in APRIL!!! I was soooo annoyed… it’s not my fault I have more than one medical problem that needs dealing with. This leaves me with Friday afternoon my Mum trying to get hold of my consultant who had referred me see if there is anything they can do. I don’t think it’s acceptable to wait til April (in constant pain) to find out some scan results and see if there’s anything they can do which could benefit me.  But beware, trying to get hold of a consultant on a Friday afternoon is like finding a needle in a haystack, frustrating and awkward!  Please pick up the phone or at least have a voice mail service so I can leave a message instead of constantly going back to switchboard… sigh.

It leaves me frustrated and annoyed and this is one of many times that I have a problem with medical appointments. I also want to try to sort the majority of my medical rubbish out so that it is manageable and under control if i get into University next year.

Is it too much to ask for a properly functioning heart and not to be in constant pain?

Life goes on and I try not to think about it too much otherwise I think about it too negatively. I enjoyed the rest of the weekend by visiting family and seeing one of the University’s that I am applying to 🙂 I’ve never seen an open day sooo busy and it went fairly well, fingers crossed.

Here’s to a good week…hopefully!

Sarah x