Summer Elective

Hello 🙂

Just a quick update whilst waiting for an amazon parcel before jetting off to the airport…

Tomorrow i’ll be off on an adventure to Canada and I am soo excited!! We are encouraged at University to undertake an elective between the 2nd and 3rd year of our degree so that we can see different techniques that we wouldn’t usually or to visit other departments. My University does offer an exchange program to a department in the far east however I decided that I wanted to do something different! This meant I applied to a department in Vancouver and they accepted me!!

I’ll spend two weeks in this centre and through organisation with the clinical link there we have already organised what I’ll be seeing and the areas I will be spending my time. My main aim is to have a good general understanding of how they care and treat patients in Canada looking at the similarities and differences to enable the comparison to our care system in the UK.  I can’t wait to tell you all about it! My two week elective will be followed by a weeks holiday so that I can enjoy visiting places within the city and fill up on pancakes with maple syrup…nom.

So far I’ve had a good summer off and received news at the beginning of the month that I’ve passed my exams and that they are taking me back in September… are they mad 😉

Hope all is well and fingers crossed for me for a flight with minimal turbulence,

Love S xx